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Before you continue.
Let's go over a few basic guidelines established by the server's administrators.
Geht nett und fair miteinander um!
Keine Darstellung von Gewalt oder sexuellen Motiven.
Keine Darstellung von in der Schweiz verbotenen Motiven.
Keine diskriminierenden, herabwürdigenden oder verleumderischen Kommentare.
Hate speech, threats, or bullying of any kind are not tolerated. This includes any content that promotes discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities, or diseases, including targeted misgendering, deadnaming, or promotion of so-called "conversion therapy"
Do not engage in manipulative practices to inflate engagement or follower counts
Do not post or share personal information about others without their explicit consent
Respect the privacy settings of users' posts and profiles
No explicit content, such as pornography or graphic violence. Mark any mature content as sensitive using the platform's content warning features
Avoid posting content that is likely to incite or glorify violence
Avoid spamming, including excessive posting or sharing of irrelevant content
Only post content that you have the right to share. Respect the intellectual property rights of others
Do not share copyrighted material without authorization or proper attribution
Users must comply with local and international laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content. Prohibited content includes anything related to illegal activities or substances
Creating accounts for the purpose of impersonating others is prohibited
Do not share intentionally false or misleading information